
Saltwater Aquaribase

Saltwater Species

Over 1,700 Species of saltwater fish, corals, invertebrates and plants, all in Aquaribase.

Explore hundreds popular saltwater fish species organized in categories.

Discover thousands of most sought after corals categorized with their order, family and genus.

Find most common species of invertebrates organized in common categories.

Lookup various types of plants used in saltwater tanks.

Fish & Corals

Browse or search to find information about your fish, including their name, taxonomy, care level, whether they are reef safe and some physical description.

See the smart compatibility advice for each fish with other fish in your livestock and wish list.

Explore hundreds of corals and discover information such as their scientific name, order and family, lighting and water flow requirements as well as their hardiness and aggressiveness.

Saltwater Aquaribase
Saltwater Aquaribase
Saltwater Aquaribase

Invertebrates & Plants

Browse to find your invertebrates and cleanup crews.

Saltwater plants along with their scientific names are listed so you can add them easily to your tanks.

Saltwater Aquaribase
Saltwater Aquaribase
Saltwater Aquaribase
Freshwater Aquaribase

Freshwater Species

Over 500 Species of freshwater fish, invertebrates and plants, all in Aquaribase.

Explore hundreds of most popular freshwater fish species organized in categories.

Find most common species of invertebrates organized in categories.

Lookup various types of plants used in freshwater aquariums.

Fish, Invertebrates & Plants

Browse to find information about your fish, including their scientific name, care level, maximum size and any other remarks about them.

See the smart compatibility advice for each fish with other fish in your livestock and wish list.

Explore most common species of invertebrates and discover information such as their scientific name, temperment, care level, maximum size, diet and general description.

Lookup various types of freshwater plants and learn their scientific name, care level, maximum size, lighting requirements and general descriptions.

Freshwater Aquaribase
Saltwater Aquaribase
Saltwater Aquaribase
Saltwater Aquaribase

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